Pray Lubbock National Day of Prayer Gathering
May 2, 2025 12:00 AM
- 1:15 AM

This gathering will be an opportunity for the church of the city to gather together to pray for local, state and national issues. The "Concert of Prayer" format, directed by Pray Lubbock, will allow attendees to gather with others in small groups and pray as we are all guided into various needs for prayer. Individuals should come ready to pray, not merely ready to listen to leaders' prayers. Prayer isn't just about the work, it IS the work of the Kingdom. Come ready to work!
Pastor Jason Burden and First Baptist Church, Lubbock have graciously agreed to host this event at 2201 Broadway. We will begin at 7:00. We are asking pastors to consider placing this event your church calendars and for individuals to plan to come together to prayer. Brief worship leadership is being planned by Stepheni Doles, recently of First Church of the Nazarene, Michael Connor of St. John Baptist Church and Edward Rivera of Emmanual Worship Center. Our nation, state, county and city need the church to be united in prayer! No one else can contribute what you can bring! Our HOPE is in You, Lord!